
Supporting Small Businesses in your Area

08 Jun. 21

Since last year, the economy has been stuck between a rock and a hard place. While it is important to reopen the economy to allow small businesses to thrive, the threat of the pandemic has made this a murky subject for some. Of course, the cost of human life outweighs that of money; but how can you still support some of the small businesses you love without risking the health of yourself or the business owners themselves? We’ve put together a list of points to help you get involved with local businesses in your area to help them thrive in this difficult time. We must never forget how critical small businesses are to the overall infrastructure of daily life.

Get the Word out on Social Media

Social media Platform is a crucial tool for business success in the modern era. Helping business owners network with clients in a matter of seconds, attracts new customers and helps a business set itself apart and the brand itself. One way you can support the businesses you love is by sharing and interacting with posts by them. If there’s a sale or special offer, let your friends know and tell them to inform others as well. Word of mouth is critically important and can be one of the best ways to help local businesses in your area develop a well-received reputation with customers.

Share or Recommend their Products

Similar to our first tip, getting someone to experience a product by a small business you love is a great way to get them on board. For example, maybe you went to a local bakery and loved some of the artisan loafs; consider it a gift to a friend to help spread awareness of a great new business in town. Endorsements on social media are common as well, with influencers being paid in the thousands to deliver testimonies and recommendations for products. Its lucrative for both the business and the advertiser, and is a great way to build help for a local business.

Volunteer your Time

One pitfall for some small businesses is struggling to keep themselves fully staffed. Perhaps they’ve had layoffs due to the pandemic, or they don’t have enough capital to pay additional employees. Whatever the case, this can be a major stressor on any business, small or otherwise. One thing you can do to support the business is offering your skills and time by volunteering. Perhaps you can offer janitorial work, bookkeeping, or other essential services to help them keep the business running. In the long run, they will be grateful for it; and you’ll hone new skills and possibly find a new employment through the experience. 

Gift cards for Every Occasion

One of the best things about small businesses is that they typically cater to a niche or special market that otherwise big box stores may not. Try finding out the special interest of those in your life, and then go gift card hunting. If you’ve got a relative who has a thing for knick-knacks, consider getting them a gift card to a local craft shop. Or perhaps you’ve got a chef in the family who could benefit from a gift card from the local silverware sharpening. Whatever the needs, you’ll likely be able to find a shop that caters to it; and it’ll be another great way for you to support the small businesses you love.

Delivery is Always an Option

Along with revolutionizing the work-from-the-home market, 2020 also saw a meteoric rise in the availability of home delivery programs. While there’s a number of big businesses like Uber Eats, Door Dash, and Skip the Dishes which deliver meals; it’s worth looking into if that local restaurant you love has their own delivery program. These can be more profitable for the business as opposed to having to go through a third party and gives them a more even share of their market. 

This list is of course, not exhaustive. There are many different things you can do to help shape and guide the economy in your area. What can blossom from strong local businesses is well-needed institutional and economic change, but it can only come from a place and community of mutual support.

You can also share ideas by directly contacting us or by doing mail at enquiry@letsnurture.ca

Please refer: https://www.letsnurture.ca/small-business-suite.html 

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