If you’re active in the world of business, then you’ve likely heard of e-commerce platforms like WooCommerce or Shopify. These companies sell what is known as SaaS, or Software As a Service. These businesses create the framework that other businesses utilize for their success. One underlooked platform service is known as Fastspring, a fantastic platform for not only selling software and other digital products but also for managing online payments, subscription management & billing, branded checkouts, risk management and more. Today, we’ll cover the features, pricing, and APIs that FastSpring utilizes and how you can use these tools to grow your new or existing business.
You might be curious about the features included with FastSpring. There are a number of merchant levels and other features you can utilize to optimize your customers’ experience and make business more seamless for your company. Some of FastSpring’s features include:
Of course, these aren’t all the amazing features included with Fastspring; but they give you a clear taste of how this platform can enhance and benefit your business. Of course, you’ll need to pay first; and FastSpring’s pricing is what we’ll discuss next.
FastSpring offers the best possible pricing to help you grow your business and not its expenses. They’ve worked with everyone from small businesses to expanding entrepreneurs and are ready to find the pricing plan for your business as well.
An API is what is known as an application programming interface. These programs allow for two separate applications to interact with each other in order to complete a specific task. FastSpring uses what is known as a REST API, which can pass and retrieve information between websites, stores, and other third parties and then send the remaining information or data to your store to complete the specific task or purchase.
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