
Best Beginner Courses for UI and UX Design

29 Oct. 21

You might have a great idea for a business or app, but unless you can create a great user interface and a user experience; it’s likely you’ll be ignored by one of your competitors. Thankfully, there’s a number of great courses available out there for everyone from the total beginner to the experienced designer looking to sharpen their skills. Whatever the case, today we’ll be discussing three great courses you can take to improve your UI and UX design abilities. Before we get to that, however, let’s briefly explain these terms and what they entail for your website’s overall build.

User Interface and User Experience: The Backbone of your Website

Explaining User Interfaces and User Experience is a fairly simple process, but you’ll soon realize why this process is so important to your website’s success. Let’s start first with user interfaces, which are the menus and overall aesthetic design of your website. The point of a UI designer is to create websites with visual touchpoints which help users to easily interact with your products or features. This is done through a variety of elements such as your typography, color palettes, animations, and graphics you can use to create a great user interface.

User experience is a bit of a different concept but is relatively in the same vein as your standard UI design. Whereas User interfaces are about what users see, user experience designers are all about how things feel for your customer. It involves both your digital spaces, as well as the physical products or services you offer through your business. UX designers focus on the entire customer experience offered by your business, from first contact to last. By using structural design solutions, you help to streamline the customer experience and make things easier for them to purchase your products or services; as well as ensuring the overall quality of what you’re offering.

Now that you’ve got a clearer idea of what these terms mean, it’s time to discuss some great courses you or your business can utilize to learn and improve these vital design skills.

User Experience Research and Design (Coursera)

Starting off our list is a great course offered by Coursera through the University of Michigan. These courses are specifically designed by professors at the university, meaning the certificate you are will be able to be used when applying for jobs or other opportunities. The course is aimed at beginners, seeking to teach them the solid fundamentals of UX research, design, and implementation. Moreover, the course allows you to create your own products, learn about customer needs and testing, and even evaluate product prototypes. Again, this program is aimed at complete beginners; and it’s been reported roughly 50% of all applicants and attendees find work after earning their certificates.

User Experience Design Essentials – Adobe XD UI and UX Design (Udemy)

Offered by Udemy and created by UI/UX designer Daniel Walter Scott, this course is great for learning UI and UX basics as well as design. It utilizes the great UI design tool Adobe Xd, allowing you to get a grasp on the fundamentals of the software. With three courses in a single package, this is great for any beginner looking to learn. Another unique feature for this project is the ability to work directly with Daniel Scott on a freelance project he’s working on at the moment. This helps beginners learn what it’s like to tackle design and problems in real-world projects and learn more about the world of UI/UX design.

Cooper Crash Course: Design in 3 Steps (Udemy)

Rounding off our list is an excellent introductory course in UX design, again offered by Udemy and created by the software designer, programmer, and Visual Basic developer Alan Cooper. The course focuses on the customer perspective and behavior, as well as brainstorming new ideas and solutions based on prototypes provided by Cooper. This course is perfect for anyone looking to focus on user-focused design, and improving their overall skills at enhancing user experiences.

Of course, our list here is not exhaustive and there’s plenty of great courses available that we haven’t mentioned here. Additionally, if you need to find a great UI/UX designer, Let’s Nurture offers UI/UX developers at fair rates with efficient teams who are great at meeting deadlines. We offer free consultation and have been providing clients with technological solutions for over two decades.

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