
Together Hemp: The next Canadian Small business hitting the Spotlight

29 Sep. 21

Monday, 13th September 2021

Name: Elie Landesberg, Toronto ON Canada

Name of Business: Together Hemp

Q: What is your name and where are you from?

A: Elie, from Toronto ON Canada!

Q: When did you launch Together Hemp?

A: September 2020

Q: What motivated you to open a business?

A: Along with my friends Daniel ‘Ocean’ & Jeff, I have had an interest in using my livelihood as a means to put my convictions into action, specifically regarding the environment, food security, community, and creativity.

Q: What online programs are you currently using?

A: Our primary sales platform online is Shopify. We are also active on Instagram, Facebook, and beginning to use TikTok. We use a number of CRM programs, as well as editing platforms like Adobe CC.

Q: What tool has been the most effective for online engagement?

A: Instagram, and Email Newsletters.

Q: Do you use an online newsletter?

A: Yes

Q: If yes, how has this affected your business?

A: It has helped generate sales, leads, and engagement.

Q: Is there anything that you wish more of your customers knew about Together Hemp?

A: We would hope our customers know of the many benefits of hemp not only from a nutritional/culinary perspective, but also as a zero-waste utility (fiber, fuel, and beyond), as a tool for phytoremediation, combating soil contamination, erosion, and for its atmospheric carbon sequestration properties.

Q: What have you learned from being a part of Toronto’s small business community?

A: Collaboration > Competition.

Q: What is your best seller?

A: Our Cacao-Hemp Protein Powder is our top seller. In it, we use Pure roasted cacao from Toronto’s Chocosol Traders.

Q: What was your biggest takeaway from running a business in 2021?

A: Businesses need communities, online and IRL to survive. Treat your community as such.

Q: What advice would you give to someone thinking about starting an online business?

A: Find something you sincerely care about. You are going to spend a lot of time and energy on this project, so it will help keep you motivated, and you will be more successful as your work will be driven by sincere intent.

Q: What is your favorite part about owning a small business?

A: My favorite part about owning a small business is learning from and connecting with incredible people.

Q: What is the most fun you’ve had while running Together Hemp?

A: The most fun I have had with Together Hemp is setting up pop-ups around the city and province, putting on some good music, and interacting with fun and interesting people.

If you are also having any idea to start your own small business or want to share your views with us, you can call us at +1 902 620 9098 directly mail to enquiry@letsnurture.ca

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