
UI/UX Tip 8: Home Page must convince users to come Inside

26 Apr. 22

Picture, you are buying a house


It’s a busy street in a neighbourhood that reminds you of Pleasantville where everything is peaceful. There are many homes on the street. Many homes are identical and have the same features. A small sign in front of each house reads “FOR SALE” and “SOLD.” It’s difficult to distinguish the homes at first glance. But then you notice why certain homes are selling quickly, and which homes are struggling to gain market traction.

You’ll be sold in 5 seconds on the home’s aesthetics. These homes have curb appeal and a simple exterior. They also feature elegant, tasteful features that blend well together. You don’t need to be convinced by a real estate agent to visit the property. Instead, you will feel attracted to it as if you were drawn in by an invisible force.

In contrast with the more populated homes is their less frequent use. You stare at them for longer than five seconds in complete confusion, wondering what their unique value is. You will find the most unusual homes that have been inhabited by eccentric visitors. They are likely to be unique and different from anything you’ve seen before. Although it is innovative, the design is so far from conventional that it is difficult to convince people to go inside. Exterior paint that dries onto the ground is what makes some homes look the worst. These homes’ interiors will, as it stands, be equally disconcerting.

It is no surprise that certain homes sell faster and receive more foot traffic. They are clean, simple and elegant with great street cred. They are trustworthy because of their impeccable presentation.


Go to the Internet


You will find a crowded web of websites competing for your attention. This “neighbourhood”, according to, has almost 1,000,000 websites with their own homepages. Certain websites are more popular than others in each market. One of the key factors in determining this is the overall quality of your homepage. This is the point where users begin a journey through your website, into your product and on to conversion.


Take Your Homepage Seriously


Jakob Nielsen considers the homepage the “most valuable real estate in all of the world”. It is the face of your company and should inspire visitors to stay on the site and explore the rest.

We know that the home page of content-rich SEO sites is not the only point for traffic. However, for many websites, it is the most visited page and the gateway to your website. It should be taken seriously.

Many homepages have poor images, poor copy, confusing navigation, competing calls to action, and a confusing layout that confuses visitors. A balanced layout, clear navigation, compelling copy, relevant images and well-defined calls to action will encourage visitors to explore your site. They are encouraged to engage and build trust by the information architecture and story that is used throughout. If they get lost, it’s the familiar starting place that can be re-visited.

But here’s the catch: The catch? You have only a few seconds to grab their attention. Craig Tomlin stated in a post entitled ” 5 Second Testing” that your website should communicate in 5 seconds what you do, who you are and why they care. A website homepage should invite visitors to take a tour, just like the exterior façade of a house for sale.


Clear Your Homepage


Steve Krug, a usability expert, discusses how important it is to use the homepage to clearly define what the site is. He states in Revisited that “Whenever I’m given a homepage design to review, there’s one thing that I can always count on: They haven’t made it clear what this site is.” The homepage must answer four questions that I ask when I visit a new website for the first time. What can I do? What are they doing here? Why should I go here and not elsewhere? These questions must be answered quickly, clearly, and without ambiguity.

Do you remember the 5-second rule? Your website should communicate in a matter of seconds the answers to critical questions that will be buzzing inside your users’ heads.

It is difficult to define a universal template for a homepage due to the diversity of markets represented online and the many websites that represent individual companies within those markets. However, your brand must be clearly defined and communicate what your site is. What makes your home more attractive than other homes in the overcrowded Internet neighbourhood? What can you do to ensure visitors stay for the remainder of the tour?

design conventions are both functional and innovative. However, they don’t always work for all websites. It is essential to create an experience that helps users achieve their goals.


High-End Beauty


High-end web design aesthetics are important, much like “curb appeal” for real estate. Interactivity, high-quality images and engaging videos attract more attention. To deliver a luxurious experience for users, all of these elements must be combined.

Functionality and efficiency are essential. If you are selling your house, and the steps leading up to the front door are broken, you should fix them. The same goes for your homepage design. The components – navigation, hierarchy and clear copy – must all work together. The emotional impact is also important. It is essential that the paint job be flawless. All mouldings and trim around door frames should be re-lacquered. To put it simply, a credible design matters a lot.

The Stanford Web Credibility Project is a research group that explores research questions and examines what they call “persuasive tech.” They argue credibility is one of the most important components of digital persuasion. B.J. Fogg, the founder of Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, and director of Stanford Web Credibility Project stated that “The truth of [ ] . . ] The truth is that people judge Web sites based on how they look. This is the first thing people see when they visit a Web site. If it doesn’t look trustworthy or doesn’t seem like what they expected, they move on to the next site. It does not get another test. It’s no different from other things in your life. This is how we judge politicians and automobiles.”

Fogg didn’t mention houses, along with cars and congressmen. However, real estate is included in the same category as “other things in your life” to which digital products are comparable. The way something looks is the first impression. This is a crucial factor in determining credibility. Homepages should have curb appeal. Users will judge your website based on its appearance, regardless of how useful and user-friendly it is. Although aesthetics are important for usability, they haven’t always been seen that way.


How to Sell Your Home Well: Feel Great, Look Amazing, and Make It Work!


It is important to consider deeply and strategically what the desired experience should be, how it will look, who it serves, and what its goals are. Once we have identified the key points and done thorough research, we can start to develop a design strategy that will create a captivating homepage that draws users in for a deeper look. It is a mix of aesthetics and usability.

This basic balance is key to creating a website that stands out in Pleasantville’s orderly and harmonious neighbourhood. Your users will complete the tour if you combine flair and functionality.

UX, or User Experience, is a field that deals with design problems. It’s focused on conceptual innovation. Our solutions must deliver efficiency. Design thinking, which is both aesthetic innovation and conceptual innovation, can help us create high-end homepage experiences that are both efficient and impactful. You can make a homepage that attracts your target audience, encourages them to stay, and leads to conversion.

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