How do you promote an app? 30 creative app marketing strategies

09 Nov. 22

The most common rule is to invest the same amount of time advertising your product as you did creating it. If you’ve written for two days your blog post, and you’re spending the next two days disseminating the blog post to the most sites you can.

The same concept is applicable to mobile applications. The process of development should last for months, and be capable of translating to months of advertising.

The more you promote applications, the easier and speedier the process gets. Small-scale enterprises do not have huge sums of money for marketing or promotions. Even those who have the money might end up with only a just a handful of channels for promoting their content.

This complete guide will show how to promote your application and help you move your plan for promotion to the next step.

Let’s get started.


1. Customer Research


The marketing of mobile apps starts well before you even present it to the marketplace. Before you tell your developers’ team to start creating your app, by adding various features, make sure to connect with your customers and talk to them.

You must ensure that what you build is appropriate to your requirements.

Begin by researching the market by creating an inventory of each of the clients you’ve provided your services to or people who have subscribed to your newsletter. Contact them by email and ask for five or 10 minutes with you.

Give your customers incentives by offering them a reduced rate or any other educational content. If you’ve got the attention of your customers, you could ask them questions to gain an notion of what they’re looking for in an app.

It’s crucial to know what expectations potential and existing customers have of your product. As you go through this procedure, you’ll be able to identify inconsistencies that you’ve not previously encountered and you’ll have a better understanding between your customers and yourself.

When you engage your customers in the development process, not only are you promote your app in a subtle manner but also making sure that the software that you design is suitable to the target audience you’re targeting.

Interact with your potential customers sharing about your product and asking them what they’d like to learn from it. What could you do to make your product more efficient and beneficial to your clients? Be aware that your customer base is part of their community (word word of mouth) and if you can convince them to purchase your product, you’ll hit the right note to boost your business’s performance and durability.

Each marketing campaign should be based on an extensive investigation. This will ensure that you provide users an enjoyable experience.


2. Influencer Marketing


Making genuine, honest and mutually beneficial connections with influential people can go a long in helping promote your application.

The most crucial aspect to this approach is finding influencers who are in alignment with your existing users as well as your ideal viewers. Most social media platforms give influencers data on follower demographics. Apps that are the product of an influencer’s marketing campaign tend to last for longer. Alongside influencer and social media marketing, it is also necessary to find bloggers that you could work with to promote your app prior the launch.

Utilizing the influencers’ influence could bring large numbers of people to the mobile application. In order to do this, go to an online website like to find those influencers that are relevant to the market of mobile apps.


3. Utilize Your Website to Benefit


If you have a website that is mobile-friendly, totally operational as well as mobile friendly, your site could be among the most effective tools to promote your app. At some point or other, everyone who is your customer or that are looking for information about your company will visit your site. In the event that they are, it’s vital to let them know that you have an application.

Integrating your app onto your site could result in the removal of a section of your site that is solely dedicated to the app. For instance, the bottom corners of the screen, as well as the center of your page. Also, it is possible to use web push notifications to promote advertising for applications.

Furthermore, the inclusion of an app that you have on your website and including it in your blog posts on a regular basis is one of the most efficient methods to advertise your mobile application that you can make use of. You can do the same by writing an complete blog post solely focused on your app or by adding an action-oriented call to action at the end of each blog post to remind users to download your app.

If you are writing a blog post that is exclusively about your app, provide a complete description of the app and let the readers you intend to reach know the purpose for the application. Let them know how your app can assist them in their daily life. Include the link to your app along with pictures, videos, and screenshots so that they understand the app.

As we discussed in this section on influential bloggers the article below You can also solicit bloggers from other blogs to help generate buzz around your blog.


4. Email Marketing


The application you’ve designed should be integrated into every aspect of marketing. This includes emails. As a business, you’ll be sending numerous emails. The failure to include your app in every single one is a missed opportunity.

Every email you distribute either through your department’s support the newsletter you send out and even your confirmation emails you send out for payments, must have the footer, which includes a line that promotes your application. Include information about what you can accomplish with the app, as well as an hyperlink that will direct customers to the download website.

Emails remain a very popular method of communication when utilized in the right contexts. According to a study done by Exact Target, “91% people check their email every day”. Profit from including your app’s links in the customer’s service email, emails, or newsletters. Emails, and set up the habit of including it in the signatures of emails.

Example Template:

  • The brand new application (Insert the name of the app here) will assist users (insert how the app works). Go here (include the URL) to try it!


5. Create a teaser clip


Videos are a great way to demonstrate the top features that your beautiful and well-designed app has to offer. For your demo video, create a basic 30-second commercial using the same ideas that Simon Sinek outlined in his Golden Circle: Why, How and What.

Once you’ve finished creating the demo, ensure that you use your social media accounts and other platforms to promote your app. The demo video can be featured in blogs, Instagram, and Youtube channels.

We’ve added the Feicobol app demo video we believe you’ll enjoy. We hope it inspires you to create amazing video demos to show your customers.


6. Consider Alternative App Stores


Don’t rely solely on Google Play and the App Store. There are numerous apps stores available online, which let you upload your app.

According to the One Platform Foundation that when an app is released on websites that are not as popular, this can increase the anticipated downloading by 20% contrasted with Google Play.

There are a variety of excellent app stores to examine and are growing in the app market for mobile devices.

  • GetJar
  • SlideMe
  • Opera Mobile Store
  • AppsLib
  • Amazon Appstore
  • AppBrain


Be aware that the app market is far larger than these two stores that are well-known. The expansion of your reach may assist you in making purchases for in-app products and other items.


7. Apply for Awards


Participating in competitions for apps can bring you lots of press reviews, publicity and lots of downloads. The odds of winning will depend on the strength the pitch you make and your the idea however, if you are successful in the first time you may be able to earn some respect.

The most famous awards given to apps and websites:

  • Appy Awards
  • Best App Ever Awards
  • Contest in conjunction with AppCircus
  • Apple Design Awards
  • Appsters Awards
  • Ericsson Application Awards
  • Webby Awards Webby Awards
  • Best Mobile App Awards
  • OZApp


8. SEO is a crucial issue in this regard.


We’re talking about SEO instead of ASO… What happens is that your URL is displayed in search results when users type in the relevant query For instance, if they look up music apps and your app is a good candidate to be listed among the top 5 results or more, prior to the time users hit Enter.

All you need to do is to find “best-targeted” as well as the relevant keyword that you want to rank for. Also, examine the keywords that your app is currently ranking for and create quality hyperlinks to boost your rank.

For help with this, you can check out these two incredible tools.

  • MobileDevHQ
  • SearchMan


It is a remarkably straightforward overview of SEO. It is possible to refer to this Google’s SEO Basic Handbook for more detailed information.


9. Reach Out Like Mr. Fantastic


Don’t depend on App Stores to sell your apps. Use Google’s search engine and I’m confident it will assist your app succeed.

Let’s suppose that your app has been connected to music. Google the phrase “best music Android apps” and then look through the results.

From the five top outcomes, at least four are highly credible blogs that can be contacted via your application in order to be presented. If you’re lucky enough to see this opportunity, you can get much more than a couple of more birds by one stone. The recognition on the internet can bring many benefits in the long haul, including:

  • Exposure
  • Targeted Traffic
  • Strong Link-building
  • Reviews and Ratings


10. Choose one of the Best Social Media Platform


Create a presence on communities and on social media Particularly Linkedin or Facebook to be well-known by app developers.

Review their comments regarding your app, and offer them with promo codes to test the application. Discuss the most current new features, bug fixes and future updates. Take into consideration their thoughts.

There is a possibility to establish solid relationships with them that could allow cross-promotion of their apps without spending a cent.


11. Create an attractive icon for your app


The App Store has greater than 1.6 million apps through the Google Play Store and 1.5 million available on the App Store, there’s plenty of noise, no matter the category you choose to place your app. It’s typical for users to be attentive to apps and it’s only when an icon draws the user to click.

In order to make the icon of your app stand out The icon must:

  1. Unique form and design that makes it unique
  2. It is only possible to pick one or two shades. 2 is the minimum number of colors to create an interesting contrast
  3. Make sure you don’t employ photos, as they will be a distraction!
  4. Avoid reading too much text. It’s difficult to read.


Be imaginative!

Try your app’s icon out on various wallpapers. This can be very beneficial.

Below are some fantastic examples of incredible icons for mobile apps.

It’s clear that Squarewallet clearly stands out with its minimalist design and outstanding use of color to resemble the appearance of an Hologram.

In this image you can see how popular apps utilize the fundamentals of color to make the icons stand out and build an well-known brand.

There are a few of the most popular mobile apps that offer an excellent method of using logo icons in text.


12. Create great screen shots


A quick snapshot of your app and dropping it into the app store, though it’s not difficult, will fail in conveying what you’re trying to show to a potential customer.

by adding captions, and including images in screenshots is the best way to turn an ordinary application into an effective download run-timer.

Think about Uber for an instance:

Uber’s app’s page is able to put you in a situation where, simply by looking at the images, it is possible to get a better understanding of the features of the app. You have the option of downloading or not.


13. App Store Optimization (ASO)


App Store Optimization (ASO) is a crucial element of SEO, also known as Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in both Google Play and App Store. Similar to search optimization of engines focus is store optimization on keyword relevancy and search relevance as well as the keywords density in your descriptions.

More than fifty percent iPhone customers in the US use search to locate applications, the descriptions of the app are one of the most crucial aspects to consider when you are marketing your mobile app campaigns.

It’s also simple to begin by conducting competitor research on platforms like App Annie that lets you look up “healthy recipes for women” and see which apps show up, along with their ranking.

We’ve written a complete article specifically on how optimizing the functionality of your app store. It will cover the main reasons for this and how you can ensure the listing of your app is can be optimized.


14. Create A Great App Landing Page


A great landing page is required for any business even if you do use a smartphone app. A well-designed landing page is comparable to having an appropriate business card for your business, should you ever need it, it’s ideal to keep in your wallet.

Spendee is an excellent example of a web site designed for mobile apps that has all the elements needed to entice and keep users on the move.

The main difference is that while the site contains a variety of hyperlinks, two of the most popular ones are the App Store and Google Play Store. Google Play Store buttons. They’re more prominent than buttons for sharing on social media and are great for helping users to share their apps and make an impact, just like the images right to the right of them.

When you are on the bottom of the panels, you will receive one call to action that takes you directly to the main call to action for downloading the application.

The final panel is comprised of evidence of social proofs from newspapers and also actual users of the apps.

If you’re struggling to design your own landing page for your app, here’s a great template complete with all the elements you’ll need. If you’re looking for additional templates to choose from, here’s another 20.


15. Include App Download Links On Your Website


The idea of a landing page on your application is excellent but, there is a chance that you have already had visitors to your website already. Make use of your existing users and customers to get users to download your app.


Existing Website Banner

Create a simple, graphic banner for your website which is visible in a quiet location. I’ve come across that HelloBar is a fantastic way to accomplish this:

It’s simple, it’s at the the top of your page and you’ll be able simply put the most important information through by providing a link to the landing page of your app. It’s also directly in the app’s App Store.


Social Media Marketing

If you’re already participating in the game of marketing with social media, and you already have a Facebook or Twitter account along with an Linkedin page, make use of this area to market your business.

A simple banner which displays the name of your app and the address of the banner is all you require.


16. You can be featured On App Websites that Review Apps Mobile App Review Sites


To be be included to be featured on one of the App Review Website means that you must send an email. That means you have to convince the website that your app is worthy of being considered by them, and then featured on their website. Many of these review sites are looking for such things as:

  • Amazing graphic designs with high-quality
  • Unique and distinct theme mechanics, content, and artwork
  • Stable applications that don’t experience crashes, glitches or long loading times or poorly crafted content

When you call us, you’ll probably be asked to submit additional documents to support your application. This is usually done in the format of a report with the following information:

  • The app’s link is located within the app store
  • A brief description of the features of your app and the features that set your app above the rest
  • Screenshots that show the icon for your app. This includes the title screen, screen and any other content in the app
  • Links to videos in your application, such as YouTube or Vimeo
  • Promo codes are a way to grant users access to the application for no cost. If your application is free, you don’t need to worry about this.

The process of reviewing and getting press coverage for your application is a great method to make money from the traffic of other websites.

We’ve identified most efficient 113 places to submit your application to be reviewed , and to get press. With over 11 million users on Twitter along with more than six million Facebook followers, and over tens of million of unique users each year, these features available on each of these sites could lead to a lot of apps getting downloaded and used by the users.

Here is an full list of 113 places where you are able to upload your application

Be sure to read the next promotional strategy to ensure that you have the appropriate advertising materials for your app have been have been put are in order!


17. Public Relations


Most journalists are pressured by deadlines to make new content on the market and, due to that they don’t have time to follow the leads or search for additional information on the stories they have received.

In order to ensure you’ve got the best chance of getting your article published, you’ll need to make sure you have all the tools journalists require concerning your media kit.

A high-quality PR kit should include:

The Guide for App Summaries
The app’s summary includes an explanation of what the aim of the app that it’s used for, the purpose it is aimed at, the users, the issues it tackles, as well as any other details regarding the motivation behind the app’s creation as well as the reasons why it significant.

The Press Release of You
A press announcement should constitute the main reason for reaching out to media. It should be addressing the issue that the app solves as well as the reason for being made available, and any other details or figures regarding the benefits of the app. This is where you present your pitch to the journalist, who then provide the story to be published.

Screenshots (App and Lifestyle)
Two screenshots are required of the application (like those you’d put in your application listing on an app) together with photos of your life within your media kit. You should have plenty of photos. More than you think to be acceptable. If you’re sending your PR kit to many dozen news media outlets, you have to ensure that they are able to choose from selecting images that news outlets have previously used.

Design Collateral (Icons, Logos, Banners, etc)
The news agency should be provided with all the sizes of icons, dimensions of your logo and any other design elements they’ll need to keep your logo’s image within the story neat. One thing you’d like not to do is appear on TechCrunch with blurry logos since they’re only given an image in one dimension.

The changes to these articles can take weeks to finish because they are thought by many to be among the less significant of all items.

Videos (Walkthroughs, Intro Video, etc)
A professionally-produced promotional video is an asset in helping users comprehend the application’s features and the purpose behind it. By seeing the application in action, users can make an informed choice about whether or not to install your app.

Founder Bios & Pictures
It is common to hear statements by founders on their decision to develop an app or the kind of market they’re trying to find. These statements can provide a foundation for the business that created the app and will help create a positive image for the business that created the application.

If you’ve got a Press Kit or Press Release that you’ve prepared and ready to go out, here are 20 free websites for the distribution of press releases that can assist you in getting up and up and running with Mashable.


18. Promoting Your App Using A Video Promotion


A well-made promotional video is an essential element of every mobile app. It’s a quick and easy way to let people be informed about the most popular application, and the ways they can make use of it well.

The version for free on iPhone can be downloaded now! from Realmac Software on Vimeo.

Clear’s promo video is an excellent illustration of how easy it is to get through only enough details to persuade users to download. Although it appears simple in comparison to other videos used to promote apps, it has received an impressive 1.2 million views.

Another benefit of a video for promotion is the ability to reap the benefits of SEO for videos.

A great illustration is the moment you search for “hello” to Google. While it provides more than 800 million results its first search result returns will be that of the Adele track Hello.


19. Use Your Social Network


The social media platform, despite being the main goal for many companies, remains mostly unexplored to advertise. It’s acceptable to send out a message once. It is great, but sending it out several times within a month or two times in a month is better.

A average Facebook message is read by sixteen percent of the people who view it. If you make the same post , but revise it at least four times, and then post it every week for a period of five weeks, you could be reaching the majority of Facebook’s audience.

Learn how this could have a major impact.

If you launch anything similar to an application that is mobile-friendly , it’s an enormous achievement for your company. it can mean a lot for your customers. You must ensure that they are receiving the message by posting the same content again with a different message.


20. Link To Your App In Your Email Signature


It may take weeks, perhaps even months for your customers in your database to become informed that your application is the very first mobile app. But those who don’t know they are likely to receive emails from you each week, or even each day.

Include your app download link or the URL to the landing page of your application in your signature email to offer a way to boost downloads by sending the same emails that you normally send.

If you’ve got a lot of people in your organization, make certain that they’re all working in the same way.

If, for example, there were four employees in your organization who send about 20 emails each daily (that’s an estimation that’s actually very low) there’s approximately 80 people you could notify daily via your mobile app. This would be 560 people in a week, which is more than 2400 per month!

Simple things are the most effective in the long run.


21. Promote Your App In-Store


If you run a brick and mortar-based company the best way to promote the continual download of apps is to make the most of foot-traffic that you get.

If you place your QR code or simply a sticker to advertise the nearby Google Play Store and App Store on your windows, by showing an QR number, you’ll be sending the people who visit your store know there’s an app that’s mobile. It’s something they may not be aware of in the present.

The same way you can place a QR code on business cards, any person who is handed the card will receive an easy download link for the app out of their pockets.


22. Connect with LinkedIn as well as Facebook Groups


LinkedIn is a massive social network with more than 400 million professionals from the business world as well as Facebook boasts over the one billion active users. They have a wide range of markets, sectors and industries and have groups that cover nearly everything you can imagine.

Find groups of people who are closely related to your current customers or best ones, and then send the app to them. Discuss the advantages of the app as well as what they could gain from using the application.

If you find an extensive group in your area, you can contact the administrator of the group and request that the group cooperate with you in promoting your application. This could be exchanged for cash, like promotions or be a referral program where you have to pay for each download or for every new client.


23. Find Local Customers


Conferences, meetings and other occasions are great ways to get new users on board with mobile apps. Bring a pile of business cards with the download link to your app and distribute them to anyone you speak to.

A larger gathering may be attended by hundreds of people or a conference could draw in thousands. Engage with the people at the event and then offer the attendees your company card. Invite them to explore the application , and then reach out to you with their feedback. This is a great method of bringing many people who are new to using the application and to get feedback about how you can enhance the app.


24. Do the Unexpected


In this age of digital technology and with the Internet, it’s somewhat of a shock to do everything completely offline and see results. Dojo’s experts Dojo have achieved incredible results, making what’s unimaginable happen, and is appealing to people who work on an offline or one-to-one basis.

They wanted to create the first customers to a locally-based version the app quickly. They decided to take their app out in the streets and hand out simple and highly effective letter to draw the attention and interest of people. It was distributed to 19,000 people of the letters and, during the busy commute times, passed the letters to commuters.

The result was over three thousand downloads (a 15 percent conversion rate) and a staggering impact of social media.

Be amazed and amazing results could result.


25. Post to Pinterest


Pinterest is a well-known social network that permits users to connect and explore by pinning images and videos to their own boards along with other boards. Users can set up their own boards, look for content to add to their boards as well as browse the content shared by others that are listed on the boards.

Pinterest was developed to collect the most relevant content online in well-organized boards. The appearance of your product on a board means that they’ve chosen to keep your name in mind and that all who visit their boards will be able to be aware of your company.

Pinterest has announced a new feature that allows users buy iPhone app development directly through Pinterest named App Pin. This means you can include photos of your application’s gorgeous design and, next to that blue “Pin your application” button is a blue “Install” button.


26. Run a Contest


Promoting your app may not require that you advertise your app across every channel. However, it can also be a matter of igniting some sparks that let your users race towards the finish line. The inclusion of a contest in your app could encourage users to download the app and make use of it throughout the contest.

The app you choose to use may have a leaderboard that is active, to ensure that your customers are aware of where they stand within the ranks. Make a contest in which your customers can advance in the ranks by engaging with your company, sharing the app or inviting their friends to join. The customers must be aware of times when they must be able to tune in for notifications.


27. We will answer any of Your Reviews


If your customers decide to leave a review , regardless of how long it takes to complete it, make certain to reply to them.

Many companies commit the error of simply sending an automated message to all their customers.

This can make customers turn away, but it will also cause your score to will drop substantially for those who believe that their concerns aren’t being taken care of.

Whatever your customers say , regardless of what they say make sure they know that you’re working to resolve the problem by explaining what you’re doing to make the experience better for them. Be responsive to all reviews positive and negative.


28. Integrate Social Media Sharing into The App


Make sure that your app’s advertising goes one step further by making your app’s advertisements promote it. Your users will come across many discoveries as they explore your app. Nothing is more satisfying than sharing what they discover with the world.

By incorporating the feature of the users of your app to display their screens as well as to share content from within the app through sharing content on-app increases the visibility of your app and provide an avenue where users to share their opinions.


29. Release Updates and New Versions frequently.


Your users should know that you’re making your app more user-friendly. If your application isn’t properly maintained, it are taken down. The users will feel dissatisfied if you fail to do all that you can to make the best user experience.

This is particularly relevant if you’re not solving certain issues that users have complained about in reviews. Check to ensure that your app’s content is current and you let your users know that you’re constantly making improvements to keep them satisfied.


30. Comprehensive industry Forums, Podcasts, and Industry Discussions


Forums are free and provide an effective way to promote your app or startup. As with Facebook (and numerous different social networks) they’re focused on being part of the community. Don’t join these platforms for the sole intention of promoting your application.

To receive a free mobile app promotion, use platforms like

  • Quora
  • Reddit
  • Forums specifically for certain industries
  • Hackermoon

It is possible to connect directly with the users you want to join in these communities.

I also suggest podcasts focused on specific industries as a method of improving your content marketing strategy. This is a great way to present your app’s content to thousands of users. Numerous podcast hosts are seeking for new hosts. So, it should not be difficult to find slots on numerous shows.

Finding fascinating and relevant podcasts is easy. Browse Spotify and Apple Podcasts or any other podcasts at any time. Each allows you to browse by the categories.




It’s not necessary to spend thousands of dollars to market apps for mobile devices. Mobile apps that rely on strategies for promoting mobile apps such as Apple search ads on their own aren’t going to be successful long-term. It is essential to gain organic downloads , without having to pay for advertisements. Do you think I’ve missed any important ideas in this article? What’s your best application promotion tool? Let’s discuss it within the comment section.

  • 1. Customer Research
  • 2. Influencer Marketing
  • 3. Make the most of your website
  • 4. Email Marketing
  • 5. Make a teaser video
  • 6. Consider Alternative App Stores
  • 7. Apply for Awards
  • 8. SEO is Important Here
  • 9. Reach Out and Touch Like Mr. Fantastic
  • 10. Select the Best Social Media Platform
  • 11. Create an Eye-Catching App Icon
  • 12. Create Fantastic Screenshots
  • 13. The App Store Optimization (ASO)
  • 14. Create A Fantastic App Landing Page
  • 15. Include App Download Links On Your Website
  • 16. Be Featured on mobile App Review Sites
  • 17. Public Relations
  • 19. Use Your Social Network
  • 20. Link To Your App In Your Email Signature
  • 21. Promote Your App In-Store
  • 22. Join LinkedIn and Facebook Groups
  • 23. Find Customers Locally
  • 24. Do the Unexpected
  • 25. Post on Pinterest
  • 26. Run a Contest
  • 27. We sincerely respond to all Your Reviews
  • 28. Integrate Social Share Into The App
  • 29. We will release updates on a regular basis.
  • 30. The Industry Forums as well as Podcasts
  • Conclusion



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