Launch Your Healthcare Business Online

Help Your Customers Fight With Covid-19 Outbreak, Taking Your Healthcare Services To Their Doorstep

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Healthcare App Development Solutions

Bridging the gap between the medical industry and patients with technology & innovation

  • On-Demand Medicine Delivery

    On-Demand Medicine Delivery Let your patients buy & make payments for medicines online through web & mobile appsGet Started

  • On-Demand Caretaker

    On-Demand Caretaker Enable your customers hire professional caretakers to get the best care for their loved ones Get Started

  • On-Demand Doctor/ Nurses

    On-Demand Doctor/ Nurses With on-demand healthcare website & apps connect patients with medical service providers Get Started

  • Hospital Appointment Management App

    Hospital Appointment Management App Get a healthcare app development solution to automate appointments and manage staff shifts Get Started

  • On-Demand Laboratory App

    On-Demand Laboratory App Our laboratory & phlebotomist software help you provide accurate reports & manage your business Get Started

  • Healthcare Aggregator App

    Healthcare Aggregator App Start aggregation services with healthcare providers to improve process efficiencies, clinical outcomes & patient careGet Started

Have Another Idea To Help Customers Deal With Corona Outbreak?

We Can Help You Launch It Online

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How Mobility Solutions Benefit Healthcare Industry?

We empower you to bring mobility into your existing workflows & deliver better patient care

  • Fast & Efficient Patient Care

    Give your patients quick & accurate care solutions

  • Accessibility

    Track & deliver medical services to patients in remote areas

  • Data Management

    Efficiently update and manage your patients & medical data

  • Real-Time Data

    Take life-saving decisions with important data available in real-time

  • Enhance Security & Privacy

    Secure medical information to maintain patients & doctors confidentiality

  • Reduce Cost & Time

    Cut down on the cost & time for patient care, assuring the right medical solution

These Challenging Times Call For Making Your Health Care Services Available For Your Customers 24*7.

Build Your Online Healthcare App To Aid Your Customers, Right At Their Doorstep.

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What You Get?

Code Brew provide you with complete tech suite to keep your healthcare business in its best shape


Patient App

Allow your customers to make bookings for required ailment & specialists

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Hospital & Clinic Dashboard

Get full control, overview & powerful analytics for your healthcare business from single interface

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Doctor/ Nurse App

Intuitive app for healthcare experts to manage appointments & provide better treatment

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Core Features
Empowering Your Healthcare Business

  • And There’s Much More You Get to Revolutionize Your Healthcare Business
  • Easy Integration

    Empower healthcare business with the flexibility to integrate with any existing or new systems, along with multiple payment gateways
  • Conversational AI Chatbots

    Benefit your patients with chatbots that replies with the help of artificial intelligence & machine learning, based on previous conversations
  • Supply & Demand Management

    Manage your supply chain by keeping track of appointments & growing needs of patients with help of supply chain software
  • Easy Integration

    With intelligent insights evaluate your staff's performance & appointment in an easy, quick and non-intrusive way
  • Customer Profile Management

    Treat your patients’ special, offering the rewards, reminder, and offers on their next booking or medicine order

Ready To Launch Your Healthcare App?

Choose The Most Advance Suite To Help Your Customers Fight With Corona Fear Efficiently

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Why Choose Us?

We Care For Your Business To Let You Care For Your Customers

  • Get A Scalable Solution

    Start & scale your business with a trusted solution running successfully for 3K+ global clients
  • Flexibility To Customize

    Tailor the look & feel of your healthcare business to give patients a personalized experience
  • Multiple Business Model

    Now experience the ease of starting your healthcare business as per your requirement & interest
  • Dedicated Support

    Choose a team of healthcare website & app developers that works tirelessly to help you succeed

Impact Created

We Help Keep Your Business Stay
Healthy Inside Out

  • 00%

    Monthly increase in number of home healthcare service appointments

  • 00%

    Quarterly increase in quarterly venue based appointments

  • 00%

    Monthly increase in sales of medicines and treatment plans

  • 00%

    Quarterly increase in number of social media mentions through ratings & reviews

Get An App Solution That Delivers Everything You Healthcare Business Needs To Lead Through Covid-19 Outbreak

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Our Fully Customized Tech Solution To Your Clients.

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