How much would it cost to develop a Wedding Planning App like WeddingHappy?

Weddings: they're the event many of us wait our entire lives for, the consummate and validating moment where the love we have for our partners can be freely, openly expressed in the presence of all our friends and loved ones. Weddings can also be stressful. No one wants to be known as the bride or groom whose special day was a flop! So in order to make sure everything goes off without a hitch, you'll need to find yourself a great wedding planner.

While there's plenty of ways for finding a wedding planner, one of the most modern methods is utilizing the internet or a mobile app. This is because apps simplify the process of wedding planning, allowing your planner the ability to manage multiple tasks with the simplicity of a few checks and clicks. If you're a business owner, or someone looking to start their own business; you might be interested in the wedding planning industry. However, it's important to know the cost of development, what features you can add, and how to get the best possible return on investment for developing your app.


Is your business looking to develop a Wedding Planning App?

With a bit more knowledge of how these apps function and how they can be used to generate revenue for your company, you might be curious where to get started in development.

Let's Nurture has been providing technical solutions for companies for the past two decades. Whether you're looking for custom websites, app development for Android or iOS, or any number of projects involving project management, development, and maintenance; we've got you covered. For the development of your wedding planning app, it will likely fall in the ballpark of $10,000 to $14,000 per platform. A website would be on the cheaper site of roughly $9,000 to $13,000 per site depending on which featured you'd like incorporated.

Features and estimated costs of Wedding Planning platforms like WeddingHappy

App Users Customers App Planners App Admin
Basic Features Login/Sign up Login/Sign up Login
Complete basic profile details Add service details Manage Customers
Add your Wedding date Provide availability of services details Manage Planners
Select city/venue Add bookings View added services details by Planners
Set a budget of marriage Opt for a membership plan View Bookings details of customers
Get vendors list as per preferred city Get Availed Membership plans history Manage(Add,Edit,Delete,Activate/Deactivate) Subscription details
View vendor profile Receive Enquiry request Manage subscribed users list
Contact vendors Manage Booked services View Payment history
In-app Chat Booking History Send Notifications
View different vendors In-app Chat Manage Reviews and Ratings as provided by users for services
Book services Push Notifications Manage (Add, Edit, Delete, Activate/Deactivate) Wedding ideas blogs
Make online payment Payment Gateway Integration Exports Reports
Filters to get personalized results Payment history Manage Static Management Content
Get a variety of wedding ideas. Account Settings Account settings
Get Countdown of wedding Log out Log out
Add Bookmarks to favorite service or vendor
Provide Availed services feedback
Shop for services
Push Notifications
Account Settings
Log out
Cost of Development CAD 35000 to CAD 39000 for Both Android and iOS + Web Admin.

Add-On Features for Wedding Planning App Development

Users Admin
Add-on Make a Checklist of wedding Advanced Dashboard Analytics
Invite the family to collaborate in wedding planning Feature Wedding videos
Upload wedding videos and share your experience with other users
Like, Comments on users shared experience
Send Online invitations to guest

Team Size for your Wedding Planning App:

When developing apps in-house, Let's Nurture typically utilizes its Android and iOS development team. For the process of building your wedding planning app, Let's Nurture will likely use a combined team of the following experts to provide resources and work on your project. These include:

  • A UX Designer.
  • An Android App Developer.
  • An iOS App Developer.
  • One to Two Backend and Frontend Developers.
  • One Quality Analyst.
  • One Business Analyst.
  • A Project Manager.

Technology Stack We use to develop

Fabric iOS
Fabric iOS
Android Studio
Android Studio
Google Analytics
Google Analytics
Google API
Google API
MEAN Stack
MEAN Stack
Mantis BT
Mantis BT
Google Webmasters
Google Webmasters
swift iOS
swift iOS

What do you get by teaming up with us to develop a Wedding Planning App like WeddingHappy?

  • Mobile and web app development experts with rigorous experience in developing web or iOS/Android apps

  • Expertise in Wedding Planning app platform development using latest technologies

  • Expert and free consultation on strategic features, their development, and an effective testing strategy

  • Great value on costs for Wedding Planning app development

  • Wedding Planning app development coding as per the guidelines of Apple Store & Google Play

  • Support in Application deployment and Approval

The Wedding Planning industry, as we've already stated, is growing every single day. With a projected growth rate of 10%, as well as the escalating sales of smartphones; it’s more than likely the industry will see a major shift to the world of mobile wedding planners as opposed to the physical alternative. If you or your business is curious about achieving a great wedding planning app, feel free to reach out to Let's Nurture regarding your app. We offer free consultation from one of our many experts.


The duration would depend on the exact specifications and the requirements which would be mentioned by you. Normally, our mobile application development team would say 20-25 weeks.
C++ Socket Programming Ejabbered based XMPP Server Integration Third-Party SDK like – Quickblox/We Chat can be used in case of the budget constraint
Yes, it is already provided as a part of our service agreement.
We provide AMC (Annual Maintenance Contract) services on a case-to-case basis at 10% of Project cost.
Yes, we have 80+ in-house resources working in Android app development, iOS/ iPhone app development, web development, chatbot development, and Alexa app development.
Yes, we do provide flexible dedicated hiring models consisting of highly skilled and certified web and mobile developers who are well versed in website and Android/ iOS mobile app development projects for diverse industries.

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